Pachi's Blog

Beyond the period.


” I woke up for the 45th time since sunrise to find the sun right on top of me. I figured it’d be a waste to lie in the shade, so i threw off my brother sleeping over me and stretched as i entered the warm light, embracing the life force with humble admiration. It felt good. As good as ever. Just another day of joy. I could purr and meow my ass off aaaall day. Mom wasnt there to scold me or mske me do anything. I heard a distant ring. The kind of sound when hard objects make when they bang together. It mustve meant something for the weird humans. Its always like that. They have uncanny habits. ‘Thats why us and them don get along’, mom used to say, ‘and that is exactly why im teaching u to scratch and bite. Ive heard those wicked humans built stuff to kill dozens of humans, but they have no answer to our scratches. So buck up’. She was always like that. Years and years alone in a stone building filled with human children who, funnily, wore the exact same clothes drove her mad. We were now a little far away from there. And this buliding had children with different clothes.
“I say it must’ve meant something to the humans cos following that noise, they all rushed out of there. They kept passing by and giving weird looks. I was swearing at them as usual but out of the blue, a strange animal d us. The beast had humans atop it. One of them came near us. I was ready this time. 3 naps earlier, one of them had come and picked up Subbu, the only ne amongst us kittens that was caucasian. But before i readied myself to throw a quick left arm jab or even a left right combo, he was in my face! I dont know how humans check girls out but let me tell you, face to face, doesnt do it for a cat. I expressed resentment with a flurry of scratches but couldnt get any on him. He patted and brushed my head so i called ceasefire for sometime in a sign of trust. But mom was right. The humans are born weird. He mistook my silence for assent and before long, i was battling my way out of a pit of darkness he was “easing” me into. But there were too many of them and i had to let go. The pit was more of a cloth i guess. It rested on something quite sloping so i slipped to find a wall. I hung on for dear life because i heard that sound of the beast again, and this time, right under the floor. I was sitting on it!!
“When i came out of that bag, i saw more people. A clutter of children swarmed me, shouting ‘Bekku, Bekku’. I figured they dint speak as many words as the grown ups. After a while though, everyone was gone except my captor. He took me in and let me go. I ran around for many reasons- to find exit points, to hide from that human but mostly because thats what cats do. I saw him close all exits. I couldnt escape. I was terrified, petrified and partly dumbfounded at the entire incident. Mom wouldve had something wise to say about this. But she had long been gone, while i was asleep, thanks to surprise surprise- a human. I was about to find out what humans do to cats when they take them, as i had wondered for the past few days. I was freaking out and feared for my life. So i did what we do best- sneak up on the bowl of milk that human left behind, drank to my heart’s content and slept in my hideout. The human left be alone for 2-3 naps, giving me time to explore and get used to this enclosure. But on on of my adventures, he grabbed me from nowhere and took me to where he sat. It was a fact i was gonna learn the hard way-‘I wasnt going where I wanted’.
“It wasnt so bad: I dint end up dead. He wasnt Satan Himself.. No, he was just one of his minions. I guess Satan’s long been dead though. He was truly the lord of all the dogs in our neighbourhood. I did end up purring and scratching and meowing my ass off all day, but it was just in a differnt place. I tried to scratch him now and then and i got him a few times too. But he dint seem to mind! Weird humans. It was a looong day. But pretty exciting. So many new things happened. I got an unprecedented supply of milk and warm sleep-spots, like the human-his body was not bad either! Seeing no other cat to communicate with, i curled up mostly around him. Humans lay with weird stuff too. He always had a stone thing in his hand which magically lit up when he touched and also sang by itself. He gave me a little stick to play with, after i bit his finger the 86th time. Nice stuff. It rolled away whenever i tried to grab it. It seemed that day would never end. It did. I saw him touch something on the wall. There was a sound like something broke, and the sun was out-total darkness. Weird humans. He’s left me with a cosy corner with milk in a bowl. But somehow, not scratching or prodding someone, just doesnt cut it for me. He out cold though. A cat never attacks anyone in sleep. Its dishonorouble.
“So i look another million naps till the sun came on. Strangely humans seem to sleep just once, and when they do, they do for several hours. I never really did get that strange habit of theirs, and never really bothered either. I missed them all: mom, sisters, brothers, everyone. I felt depressed. My voice shrivelled. The human had been noticeing my for several nap-times. He then took me out. When i got a chance to see the outside, it was the same time of day as he had picked me up the previous day. I looked about as he took me out. It was warm and sunny. Then another human approached, same as yesterday. And then i saw it: The Beast. It was a silken beauty magnificiently sculpted: Definitely Male. The silver animal seemed to be resting- it made no noise. But then i saw the bag, the pit of darkness i was in the day before. Deja Vu hit me like a hundred paws. I jumped. I hid right behind my captor’s head and dug my claws into him and wouldnt let go. I wasnt going in again-no sir! During all this madness, the other one had pointed he the stone he carried, and there were flashes of light. And he had then sat on the beast which was now purring like a thousand cats, but its voise never ceased. My captor then sat on the be himself and voila!! We were MOVING, baby! I was riding a human who was riding the beast. I was ruling the world! The wind rushed in my face but i dint shout much. It was a pleasant ride. I saw sights id never seen before in angles and speeds i couldnt imagine. A cat would pay its family’s weight in milk for such a thing!
“It was quite sometime before the beast decided to stop and before I saw them again. Everyone was there. Even Subbu Had come back. They said the human had brought him back just like my captor had. I jumped to them! It was exhilerating. But that was the last ive seen of the human. I missed the whole thing strangely. I talked about it like all the time. I’m sure he would have loads to tell his friends like I did.”

I got a cat. I gave it back.

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